Tournament Information
The 5th European Small Nations Individual Championship and 2nd Women European Small Nations Individual Championship will be held from Saturday 22nd June (arrival) to Sunday 30th June 2024 (departure) in Andorra la Vella (Andorra).
Players and accompanying persons will be accommodated at the Magic Andorra Hotel ****.
Two players from each Federation, one for open and one for women’s championship. Federations participating in the event:
Playing Shedule:
Rd. 1 (23/06) 15:00 CET | Rd. 4 (25/06) 15:00 CET | Rd. 7 (27/06) 15:00 CET |
Rd. 2 (24/06) 10:00 CET | Rd. 5 (26/06) 10:00 CET | Rd. 8 (28/07) 15:00 CET |
Rd. 3 (24/06) 17:00 CET | Rd. 6 (26/06) 17:00 CET | Rd. 9 (29/06) 15:00 CET |
1. Playing Hall
The Playing Hall will be Aria Hall from the Centre de Congressos d’Andorra la Vella (Plaça del Poble s/n d’Andorra la Vella) with all the required commodities. The tournament hall is a 10-minute walk from the Magic Andorra Hotel****.
2. Round Robin Tournament
The championship will be played using the 9 round Round-Robin system. Starting numbers will be drawn at the Opening Ceremony.
3. Time Control
The time control will be 90 minutes for 40 moves + 30 minutes for the rest of the game + 30 seconds increment from move 1. Tolerance of fifteen (15) minutes will be applied for each round to arrive at the board at the start of the round.
4. Tie-Break Systems
The final classification is decided by game points (1 point for a win; ½ for a draw; 0 for a loss). Tie-Break systems will accomplish FIDE Competition Rules [Handbook 07. Tie-Breaks Regulations (effective from April 2024)]: Direct encounter; 2. Sonneborn-Berger; 3. Number of wins.
5. Procedure of appeals
Protests to decisions of the Chief Arbiter or any of his assistants must be submitted in written form to the Chairman of the Appeals Committee within one hour after completion of the playing round.
The claim must be accompanied by the sum of 50,00 EUR, as a deposit from the signatory. If it is accepted and the decision changed, the deposit will be returned to the claimant. Otherwise, money will be transferred to the Organizing Committee.
The Appeals Committee will be selected prior to the first round during the technical meeting and will be made up of three people selected by most of the players and two members of the organization.
6. Additional Rules
– Analyzing is not allowed in the playing hall.
– Players are not allowed to bring any electronic device (mobile phone, smartwatch…) into the playing hall, even if switched-off in a pocket. If a mobile phone rings or another electronic device is noticed, the player will be punished according to the Laws of Chess by loss of the game.
– Photos with camera (not mobile phone) may be taken during the games. Flash is admitted only in the first 15 minutes of the games.
– We assume that all the players are aware of the Tournament Regulations and are obliged to obey them.
7. Prizes
There will be prizes for the top three players for each tournament (EUR 500/300/200).
8. Tournament Director
The tournament director is Mr. Joan Antoni Obregón Gutiérrez. Contacts for any request: phone (+376) 339309, e-mail:
Av. Dr. Mitjavila 11, Andorra la Vella (AD500).
Centre de Congressos d’Andorra la Vella
Plaça del Poble s/n, Andorra la Vella (AD500).
Tournament Regulations
Schedule of the tournament and planned activities
Tournament Hall
Centre de Congressos